West Fork Veterinary Services

West Fork Veterinary Service provides clients in North Central West Virginia with ambulatory veterinary care focused on livestock and farm animals. The majority of our work is with cattle and horses though we also see sheep, goats, swine, etc. We are approaching our 5th year of business and are happy to have the chance to further strengthen our relationship with established clients and continue to expand our client base.

Dr. Stenger is a native of Harrison County having graduated from South Harrison High School. He grew up on a livestock (beef cattle and small ruminant farm) outside of Lost Creek. He has worked with cattle, sheep, goats, and other livestock his entire life. While in Veterinary School at Mississippi State University he gained a wide scope of experience working with cattle, horses, and small ruminants. He had externships in Ohio, Nebraska, and two internationally in Uruguay and Romania. These externships and his experience growing up in livestock agriculture has provided him with the experience needed to go a step beyond the typical client/practitioner relationship and understand the issues facing producers from multiple angles.