Equine Vaccination Recommendations

Below are resources explaining the core vaccinations and risk-based vaccinations for horses and other equine.



These links provide timelines for each vaccination for adults and foals.



Core Vaccinations:

               Eastern & Western Equine Encephalomyelitis

                            Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: Vetera Gold or Vetera EWT+ West Nile by Boehringer Ingelheim


                            Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: Vetera Gold or Vetera EWT+ West Nile by Boehringer Ingelheim

               West Nile Virus

                            Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: Vetera Gold or Vetera EWT+ West Nile by Boehringer Ingelheim


                            Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: IMRAB Large Animal by by Merial



Risk-Based Vaccinations:

Have a discussion with Dr. Stenger if you believe your horse is considered high risk.


Risk is based on location/travel (High risk is Kentucky and Mid-Atlantic states) and risk of forage.  It is also more important in broodmares as foals are more susceptible.

                            Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: Botvax B by Neogen Vet

               Equine Herpesvirus (Rhinopneumonitis)

Many horses have natural immunity against the strain that causes respiratory symptoms from repeated exposure, but they may become carriers without showing symptoms. A majority of the risk assessment comes from interaction with broodmares, as one strain of EHV causes abortions and birth of unviable fetuses.

                          Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: Vetera Gold or Vetera 2X by Boehringer Ingelheim

               Equine Influenza

Equine Influenza is endemic in the equine population of most of the world. It causes respiratory symptoms and is highly contagious. Risk is based on possibility of exposure, and vaccination is required at some facilities and competitions.

                          Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: Vetera Gold by Boehringer Ingelheim

               Equine Viral Arteritis

While this is typically not life-threatening in healthy horses, it can cause abortions in broodmares. Because of this, it is recommended that broodmares and stallions be vaccinated.

                      Available Product*: ARVAC by Zoetis


Can cause abortion, acute renal failure, and more. Its prevalence varies by region but is found worldwide. It is shed through bodily fluids of infected organisms (including wildlife) and can contaminate water and soil.

                      Available Product*: Lepto EQ Innovator by Zoetis

               Potomac Horse Fever

Originally thought to be only found around the Potomac River, it is now found in other geographic locations. Vaccinations may not be fully protective, so frequent revaccination is recommended in endemic areas.

                      Available Product*: Potomovac by Merial

               Rotaviral Diarrhea

Risk is mainly tied to exposure to breeding centers, as it mainly affects foals.

                       Available Product*: EQUINE ROTAVIRUS Vaccine by Zoetis


This vaccination is recommended in horses going into high-risk areas or premises where it is endemic.

                          Available Product*: StrepVax II by Boehringer Ingleheim

Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme Disease)

While there is no vaccine against Lyme Disease labelled for horses, a canine vaccine can be used for extra-label use.

                          Dr. Stenger’s recommended Product: VANGUARD crLyme by Zoetis, labelled for canine use

*These products are not typically kept in stock at WFVS.